Mike's Dungeons - Magical Girl Dungeon Squad 4

Two delves this morning. First with Elise, Felicia, Dorethiel and Cujo. Second with the latter two and a ton of men-at-arms. Quick report.

Expedition #4
• Sneaked past the green dragon, who's now hanging out in the first level.

• Went NE, defeated (with sleep) a trio of chaotic robbers. Got some informations out of them - the Ungod of Spiders, Queen of the Underworld Sandaramat calls the faithful through the Bell of Awakening, somewhere down. Got some loot too!

• Went back home with a few bags of copper and silver pieces.

Expedition #5
• Lots of preparation - eight hirelings/henchmen/men-at-arm. On the way to the dungeon, the party of 10 surprised 9 chaotic brigands. They were friendly and shared info - the Ogres were rallied to their warband of ~100 strong, led by Black Douglas and his mysterious right-hand man. They plan on attacking the Keep.

• Went west to kill the northmen from expedition #1. Found them fighting two bugbears, weak. One berzerking northman was killed, the other, Konrad, was charmed by the elf. He is now under her control, and cannot disobey, although he still has his own mind.

Nearly pulled Chainmail for a battle with the brigands! Maybe I'll prepare a Chainmail type battle for the assault on the keep? The Lord of the Keep gave the PCs a mission though, regarding the brigands' camp. Maybe they'll take the fight to them!


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