Medusa's Lair Available on


Here's a one-page dungeon adventure I day-dreamed about.

Medusa's my mythology sweetheart and I read it as a pro-sex work tale.

To summarize, that asshole Poseidon r*ped her in a temple belonging to the goddess Athena, so she punished ​her​ by turning her into a monster. All who meet her gaze are turned to stone. Most men die facing her, though this guy Perseus tricks her into petrifying herself with a mirror.

I think Poseidon represents sexism and r*pe culture, Athena is a SWERF or other privileged woman embracing the pecking order of the patriarchy. And Medusa's a whore. She stopped playing the game, even if it means being seen as a monster. Yet a sexy monster, that stops men dead in their tracks and holds power over them (that's why she's punished ​again​ when Perseus kills her). I'll stretch the reading a bit more and point out she gets killed by her reflection, as if highlighting that what hurts and kills sex workers is peoples' obsession with what they see of us rather than who we are or what we represent.
It's the othering that's hurting us, not shame (you're projecting) or inherent vice (weirdo) or whatnot.

It's the patriarchy that's murdering us.

Donate whatever a Coffee's worth in your country to SWARM if you grab a copy please.
If you don't, I won't know but if I did, I would be pretty disappointed and sad.


Oh, also at some point she looks into the sea cause Perseus took her head with him and she gazes at algae and that's how coral was made. It has nothing to do with anything above, I just find it really cute.


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