What Kind of Animal Are You?
No idea what the fuck I'm doing, here's some tables to play cyberpunk furry cops. ACAB, but I got this vibe in my head I can't quite shake off. I'm picturing a pair of depressed looking officers, one's a rat, the other's a crow, they're smoking wet cigarettes under a shitty black umbrella in the pouring rain, light from behind them coming from big bright pink neon lights. They have this weird mixture of blasé normalcy to them but if you squint you can see the drops of blood splattered on their combat boots, gloves, and the white shirts underneath their blue-black suit jackets.
Use whatever rules you want, I'll go with Skorne.
Use whatever rules you want, I'll go with Skorne.
Other poisons that didn't make the list to keep it d6: painkillers, kratom, heroin, dog fights...
I can think of two other really fucked up ones but they'd be too heavy even for this blog.
Nice - combo this with a homicide case generator or a cyberpunk mission generator to get 'tonights crimescene' and that is the whole game ready to roll.