Into the Borderlands - Session 2 - It was PROBABLY evil

Ran another session of Into the Borderlands tonight, with three returning players of the Lawful Gang!

• Anaximenes the Elf, who got himself a very fancy wizard hat (and a fancier tabar later on)
• Jim the Also Elf, who nearly died this time around!
• Frances the Bald, may he rest in peace
• And Frances' player's new guy, a Halfling named Marcomir

What Happened (maybe NSFW, some gruesome stuff happened this time)

• A few weeks after the first expedition, our heroes discover a new way to enter the house, through a locked basement door. Bashing it open reveals rough stairs leading into a small tunnel.

• The tunnel leads them to a cave with a large pool and waterfall. Frances decides to climb that waterfall, finds something and drops his sword. The others tug on the rope he tied himself to to try and climb after him only to see his body fall into the pool. Except its insides are now outside and everything that was outside, like armor and clothes or skin, is now inside and bulging/protruding.

• Our heroes minus Frances decide to call it quits for now and spend the rest of the day mourning for their friend, who gets a decent burial and an epitaph: "a Fighter for the right cause or the right price."

• The next day, they recruit three companions: Marcomir, a hobbit carrying an oversized crossbow and wearing an eyepatch that doesn't seem to favor one eye over the other, and two henchmen - Hugo the Giant and Brother Cassius.


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