Roll All The Dice - Bloodsuckers

Roll a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 to make a Bloodsucker. Use whatever mechanics you like for anything not here. I just use saving throws on 2d6 and 2d6 vs 2d6 on occasions, plus giving 3-4 hits to player-characters.

1 Fledgling
2 Typical (10-30)
3 Been Around (50-100?)
4 Elder (you don't wanna know)

1 Cool
2 Hard
3 Hot
4 Sharp
5 Weird
6 Roll or Pick

1 Revenge
2 Obsession
3 Honor
4 Fear
5 Loathing
6 Adrenaline
7 No Fucks Left to Give
8 Creed or Higher Calling

1 Celerity
2 Potence
3 Fortitude
4 Animalism
5 Auspex
6 Dominate
7 Presence
8 Nightmare
9 Cachexy
10 Insomnium

1 Brujah (Potence or Fortitude)
2 Gangrel (Protean)
3 Nosferatu (Obsfucate)
4 Malkavian (Auspex)
5 Tremere (Thaumaturgy)
6 Ventrue (Dominate or Potence)
7 Toreador (Presence or Celerity)
8 Lasombra (Obtenebration)
9 Tzimisce (Vicissitude)
10 Assamite (Qietus)
11 Giovanni (Necromancy)
12 Ravnos (Chimerstry)

1 Thin-Blood
2 Hunted
3 Haunted
4 Friends in High Places
5 Friends in Low Places
6 Pet Ghoul
7 Club Owner
8 Filthy Rich
9 Hobo
10 Junkie
11 Picky
12 Tech-Wiz
13 Batshit Crazy
14 Orphan
15 Religious
16 Child’s Body
17 Prophetic Dreams
18 Former Mage
19 Werewolf Friend
20 Diablerie

And here are some special rules and stuff for your Bloodsuckers FKR games. The basic framework is whatever you want, I go with 2d6 vs TN or 2d6 vs 2d6.

Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch, Masquerade, Diablerie, Vitae, Fledgling, Neonate, Prince, Primogen, Elysium, Harpy, Ghoul, Gargoyle, Werewolf, Ghost, Mage, Sheriff, Cainite, Methuselah, Antediluvian, Final Nights - you got some ideas around that, that's all the lore you need. Don't read the wiki, EVER, once you begin the campaign (including prep for first session). Just make it up. Go with what you recall or what you like. Make up new stuff. If you really don't have any familiarity with VtM, just read the 1st Edition Core Book and figure out the rest from there.

Begin each night HUNGRY. If you don’t drink blood, next day you’re STARVING. After that you’re sleepy.
If you’re HUNGRY or STARVING, it’s harder to keep the BEAST within calm. You might frenzy when:
- Faced with a scary or threatening fellow bloodsucker
- Faced with a hated (or loved) delicious-looking human
- Faced with fire, the threat of sunlight, etc.

Drinking blood gives you supernatural powers. Major uses of these powers will leave you HUNGRY.
Each clan has a main power, check out what other cool ones you get on the wiki.

Vampires are pretty hard to kill, and regenerate wounds (might make you HUNGRY or STARVING). Describe horrible injuries and make them not do much because they’re fucking living dead.
Most weapons just do one hit when they should do more to healthy (living) humans.
A shotgun to the head or decapitation is still pretty bad though.

Generation is a pretty big deal. Older vampires can fuck you up easily, so you need to be clever about how to manoeuver the night if you don’t want to get fucked up by ancient predators. If you’re one of the older ones, good on you, you get to boss around the little ones until they stab you in the back and drink your soul.


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