Interlock Remix

No session report this week, I had to reschedule then cancel due to personal issues.

So here's some unnecessary hack.

R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk tRPG line is great. I've had a lot of fun with everything from the original Cyberpunk (aka CP 2013), the classic 2020, even 3.0. Never played RED but it seems cool.
I'm less interested in baroque systems covering as many situations as possible at this point though, and moreso in bits and bobs of procedure I can use to run short games. I've written a hack of Zaibatsu in the past, called Fast-Forward, though Zaibatsu is closer in feel to Traveller than Cyberpunk. Here's my latest attempt at making a Cyberpunk procedures document I can actually see myself running without fighting the game itself on the regular, while keeping some of its at-the-table vibe.

Roll 3d10, treat results of 1-3 as "4" instead.

Out of the nine stats, only these three make the cut. In the retrofuturist world of Cyberpunk, there's always a lot of practical use for a TECH stat. MOVEMENT & LUCK never mattered to me as one is for playing with a board and the other we always forget about anyways. EMPATHY, INTELLIGENCE & COOL are removed as I generally don't use social "checks" tied to a character's essence in favor of reaction rolls dependent on contextual clues like current attitude, faction disposition, etc.

Next, pick a role: Netrunner, Solo, or Nomad.
Whenever you roll the dice, add 4 if it's within your character's expertise.

Corporate and Cops are out for obvious reasons. Techie, MedTech and Fixer always felt like they're better covered by NPCs, Media and Rockerboy I've never seen anyone pick and they're also better suited for NPCs. It's common wisdom in Cyberpunk RPG communities to house rule away the Netrunner first but I've never had issues with it as I don't rely on super complicated hacking systems. I'll add that the Techie is sort of a less interesting variant on the skillsets of both Netrunners and Nomads. The three roles that remain can easily accommodate character concepts evoked by the other roles: you could be a hacktivist news reporter, a solo could be an ex-cop or corporate security, and so on.

You get Hit Points equal to BODY x2.
If you take half or more of your current HP worth of damage in one attack, you suffer a serious injury.
These can take the form of dislocated shoulders, broken ribs, broken, shattered or torn limbs, gouged eyes, severed arteries, etc. How much raw damage got you there gives the Referee a guideline on how bad it is.
If your HP reach zero, you go down.
After the fight, roll a d10. If it's equal or under your BODY, you're in critical condition and in need of medical attention. If it's above your BODY, you're scrap.

Instead of XP, there is Reputation. The Referee should keep track of NPCs and factions you've made friends with or wronged - the players should, too, but they don't have to.

People are assumed to have cyberware fitting for their role. A Netrunner can interface directly with computers and the 'Net without dealing with traditional UI limitations, a Solo has wired reflexes and a Nomad is geared up with 'ware that lets them become one with their vehicles and drones. Write these down and what they do. Also write down a handful of pieces of iconic gear and weapons that your character is intimately familiar with.

Finally, state one thing about another PC that your character loves, and one thing they hate. You don't need permission to make shit up that would cause drama between your lil' guys, it's sort-a-the point.

Doing People & Killing Stuff
When needed, roll d10 + Stat (+ 4 if it's within your character's expertise). Default target is 15+.
If you roll a natural 10, re-roll and add the new value to the total.
If it was a roll to hit, add any exploded dice value to the damage roll.
Weapons deal d10 damage, 2d10 keep lowest or highest for less-lethal or military-grade stuff, respectively.
Lack of cover should grant a bonus to hit - dropping to cover is on par with being in a gunfight.

Unless there is surprise (in which case whoever gets the drop on their target gets to act on their turn before simultaneous resolution begins), everyone says what they're doing and rolls, actions are resolved in descending order (so a roll of 18 happens before a roll of 15 even if both would be hits). Solos have wired reflexes, so they always count as having the drop on someone without the same augs unless they weren't aware of their enemy's presence. This means if you want to take down a solo, you need to get them while their pants are down or bring another cyborg.

After every round, remember to check for morale and re-assess whether anyone wants to call off the hostilities.

Untested and possibly stupid.


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